Proactive Protection CPO

Your safety is our priority. Often people flee abusive situations with nothing other than a small bag of personal items, leaving all their possessions and belongings behind. When survivors want to retrieve their belongings, abusive ex-partners can make it extremely difficult by making threats of what will happen if a survivor returns to the property to retrieve their worldly belongings which often have sentimental value.

Many survivors are too afraid to face ex-abusive partners and have no one to go with them which means their belongings and sentimental items are left behind. Some survivors have returned to the home they fled to retrieve belongings and their abusive ex-partners have turned emotionally or physically abusive towards them.

We take you, your safety and your protection very seriously at Nested and we acknowledge your strength and applaud your courage for fleeing an abusive situation alone.
No one has the right to make you feel afraid or threaten to hurt you, so we want to remove these barriers and take a pro-active approach which will prevent you from fear, threats or harm, because we believe that you do have a right to your personal and sentimental items.

We don’t want you to leave the family photographs and all your important memories behind. Some of our most valuable possessions may have no price value but they are special to us and can’t be replaced. You don’t have to collect the things that matter or face your abusive ex-partner alone.

Our male and female Close Protection Officers and Bodyguards will be there to support you every step of the way. Your male and female Close Protection Officers/Bodyguards will be hand picked for you, they are highly trained in a number of different disciplines.

All of our CPOs have experience working in some of the most hostile and high-risk environments and have prior extensive backgrounds drawn from either Elite Military (including Special Forces), Intelligence.

Each Officer will be carefully selected for any given task, ensuring exacting requirements are met without compromise, understanding and fitting in with both cultural and family dynamics.


• Physically strong and mentally robust.
• Loyal, trustworthy, discreet and dedicated.
• Maintain confidence and stamina when faced with risk.
• Display professional behaviour patterns beyond reproach.
• A well presented appearance and impeccable manners.
• Adept at creating solutions to problems by implementing measures to negate risk.
• Articulate communicators across all levels.
• Superior emotional intelligence.
• Tactful
• Body cams
• Risk Assessments
• Outstanding vigilance.

Our Close protection officers (CPOs), or bodyguards, will keep you safe from any unwanted attention or physical harm. They are responsible for assessing security measures and providing discreet surveillance. Our skilled team of close protection officers (CPO) provide unparalleled first class protection in a discreet and tactful manner.

Our officers will arrange to pick you up or meet you at your desired location. They will protect you from threats of physical violence and leave you at ease in the knowledge that you’ll have a safe and secure journey to retrieve your belongings.

You will be guarded and protected by a prepared and alert team of skilled professionals.

We’re a team and we are all here for you!

Need help?

If you are a survivor and need our support, please get in touch with us and we will be so happy to assist you.

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