Lorna's Story

I was a victim of domestic abuse and this time last year my life was in such a mess and I couldn’t see any way to make things better. I was trapped with no family and friends no job no money or anybody to turn to who could help me escape.

The daily beatings from my partner and dad to our five year old daughter became normal. He didn’t care if daughter was there or not, when he beat me black and blue and it was also normal for my little girl to see her mommy getting kicked slapped and punched.

I could be laying on the floor with blood coming from my face and head, and my little girl would carry on watching cartoons like it was normal. It was normal for her because she was seeing it happen every single day. I felt so guilty and didn’t know which way to turn and I really just wanted to die because I believed him when he said I didn’t have a choice or a way out.

In the end I found a way out and with help from Rehouse to Rehome, me and my little girl now have got a home. I can’t tell you how good it feels to be free. I couldn’t have got us a home like this, never in a million years If it wasn’t for Francine and Rehouse to Rehome.

The help and support this charity provides is amazing. I just really wanted to share my story to say a huge Thank you and If someone is reading this and feels like I did, thinking there’s no way out. There is a way out and help is here. No one has to live with abuse, it’s not how anyone should live and no one deserves abuse.

Thank you to Francine and rehouse to rehome for helping us get a home where were safe and we’re free. Looking forward to enjoying the rest of our life.

Lorna (Survivor)

Next storyLisa’s story. 

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